
Apple Weekly News Roundup: iPhone 6s rumors, Apple Watch SDK and more

Several rumors regarding the iPhone 6s (or iPhone 7?) emerged last week. The next generation iPhone will reportedly upgrade the camera with a 12 megapixel Sony sensor that will employ RGBW technology (which adds a white subpixel to the traditional red, green and blue subpixels) to improve low-light photography. The iPhone 6 and 6 Plus have 8 megapixel cameras.


New iOS Apps, Games and JB Tweaks of the Week: Google Photos and more

Pixelmator for iPhone

Only one quick note before we get to this week's new releases, the award winning photo editing app, Pixelmator, is now available for the iPhone. The app has also been updated with a ton of new features, improvements and bug fixes, and the update is free for previous owners.

How to fix the 'Unicode of Death' Messages bug on your iPhone

Unicode of Death

Apple has acknowledged the recently discovered bug that crashes a users iPhone, and has published this solution until a software update to fix the problem can be released. The Unicode of Death (also known as Effective Power) happens when one iPhone user crashes another person's iPhone by sending a text message containing a specific series of unicode characters. The unicode characters basically overwhelm your iPhone’s memory causing your device to respring over and over.


Adult Swim's Castle Doombad updated with all new levels and traps

Castle Doombad Space Madness

Dr. Lord Evilstein is back and he has moved his evil lair to the moon in Castle Doombad version 2.0. Adult Swim has updated its popular tower defense game with an all new "Space Madness" chapter. The update adds 15 new levels, 4 new traps, a save option in Endless Mode and iCloud support.


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