
Apple Announces New Macbooks and Macbook Pros, no iPhone SDK

Apple continued its 2008 tradition of Tuesday announcements this morning, but despite the hopes of many iPhone owners and developers out there, not with the release of the official iPhone SDK. Instead, Apple made a potentially bigger splash with the announcement of new models in their enviable Macbook and Macbook Pro notebook lines.

new macbooks

As we reported earlier this week, there was already a rumor floating around that suggested the iPhone SDK would be delayed, possibly until as late as the middle of March. With Apple already making an announcement this Tuesday morning, and February just about to close, the likelihood of that rumor being true is steadily

Apple Releases iTunes 7.6.1

Apple released a new version of iTunes today, version 7.6.1. The new version of iTunes is available as either a direct download, or through iTunes' software update. This new version of iTunes isn't considered a major update, by any means. According to Apple's release notes, the update seems to provide some minor bugfixes, and feature additions which enhance compatibility with Apple TV 2.0.

Macworld 2008 Keynote to Broadcast on

Macworld 2008 is here and underway, and although nothing exciting has been announced just yet (the vent is still in it's kickoff stages), there's already something worth talking about. Even though you aren't able to see the keynote live without press privileges and a plane ticket - you will be able to see the keynote shortly thereafter.

something in the air macworld 2008

Shares of Apple (AAPL) open above $200

Shares of Apple (AAPL) have reached a milestone for the year, with shares opening trading over $200 today. Although shares of the Cupertino based computer giant have crested past the $200 mark in both of the last two days, end of day trading has seen share prices retreat back below the $200 mark before closing.

apple logo

Shares have risen over 60 percent since the introduction of the wildly popular iPhone at the end of June of this year. Sales of the iPhone, combined with the continuing growth of Apple's market share in the PC sales arena, have catapulted the share price of Apple's stock.

Perhaps most importantly, analyst firms remain almost unanimously optimistic about Apple's continuing growth. Almost all of the analyst firms on the street have target prices above $200, with Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster leading the


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