
First Hands-on iPhone Reviews Published: 1.5 Thumbs Up

iphone-nyt.jpgThough wholly unknown to the unanointed technology writers of the world, the privileged few amongst the crowd have had iPhones clanking around in their pockets for about a week now. Such being the case, yesterday saw the first few hands-on reviews of Apple's now uberhyped iPhone hit the presses. The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, and USA Today each published a detailed review of the iPhone.


Apple Announces iPhone Service and Data Plan Details

iphone11.jpgIn their latest addition to the iPhone video tour section on the official iPhone website, a tutorial on how to activate your iPhone, Apple has announced the pricing details behind AT&T's iPhone service plans. As previously reported by iPhoneFAQ, customers purchasing the iPhone at an Apple retail store or Apple's online store will not be required to be AT&T customers at the time of purchase.



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