
How to fix blank white screen during HomePod setup

HomePod setup Apple Music

Setting up a new HomePod is normally a seamless experience. Every once in a while there's going to be a hiccup that slows things down. Some HomePod owners have found the initial setup process gets interrupted by a blank white screen. The only option is to cancel, which exits setup and leaves the HomePod not configured. How does one fix the blank screen problem during HomePod setup?

Should I get AppleCare+ for my HomePod?


Apple's HomePod has arrived in homes around the country. Inevitably, these devices will be dropped, spilled on and otherwise damaged in accidents and mishaps. What's the best way to protect your HomePod? Repairs can be expensive, so owners may want to review AppleCare+ coverage for HomePod. Apple offers the plan directly, which can be purchased within 60 days of buying a HomePod.


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