Can I see True North on the iPhone compass?

Yes, the iPhone Compass app can automatically compensate for True North at your current location. By default, the Compass app displays Magnetic North in your area.
To show True North, follow these steps:
Yes, the iPhone Compass app can automatically compensate for True North at your current location. By default, the Compass app displays Magnetic North in your area.
To show True North, follow these steps:
Submitted by Frank Macey on
Apple AirTag accessories are getting more colorful by the day. Apple has just released two new colors in the AirTag Leather Key Ring and Leather Loop. These are both designed to keep the AirTag safely attached to your belongings in style.
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Some websites want to know the location of your iPhone. In certain instances this can be convenient, as getting a delivery to your home or finding a ride would be impossible without your location. Other times it feels like websites are spying on your device, and asking constantly to know where you are walking, talking, and shopping. Make Safari stop nagging you for your current location by denying access, or by allowing Safari to share your location when needed.
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