
How to use tags with Reminders on iPhone

Reminders app tags

The stock Reminders app on iOS devices continues to get new features. Reminders makes it easy for iPhone and iPad owners to quickly make lists of tasks, items to buy, or just about anything that needs remembering. All of these reminders can be organized and filtered using tags in iOS 15 and later. Once tags are created, they appear in their own Tags section under My Lists.

Follow these steps to organize your Reminders with tags on iPhone:

How to delete old reminders on iPhone

Clear completed Reminders

The Reminders app continues to add features, making it easier than ever to keep track of to-do lists. Frequent users of Apple Reminders on iPhone or iPad may have noticed that completed reminders are stored indefinitely. This reminders history stays with iOS and is even synced with iCloud when this feature is switched on. iPhone owners may be surprised to know that Reminders keeps so many old and expired reminders around.


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