
Use Siri to send money with PayPal

Now Siri can be used to deliver money to iOS contacts with PayPal. Sending a payment in 30 different countries is as simple as saying "Hey Siri, send Omar $60 with PayPal." The money will be delivered after confirming transaction details in a dialog box. In fact, payments can be sent or requested using natural language. As long as the word PayPal is included in the command, Siri will understand how to proceed.

How can I downgrade my iPhone to iOS 9?

iPhone 6s

iPhone owners looking to downgrade from iOS 10 to the previous version (iOS 9.3.5) are out of luck. This week, Apple stopped signing the latest iOS 9 firmware. This means that downgrading to the earlier operating system is not possible. At this time, the only versions of iOS that can be installed are iOS 10.0.2 and 10.0.3. Apple released iOS 10.0.3 exclusively for the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. For all other iPhones iOS 10.0.2 remains the current version.

5 features you can't disable in iOS 10

App Drawer iOS 10

A few months ago we looked at some of the features you can disable in iOS 10, but there are also some new features you're stuck with. For example, some iPhone users were disappointed to realize that there is no way to disable the Handwriting option in the Messages app. It was also discovered that you can stop receiving or sending all screen effects by disabling the the Reduce Motion slider under Settings > General > Accessibility . However, this caused some confusion since most people already had the slider disabled which blocked them from sending both bubble or screen effects after they installed iOS 10.


Capture RAW images with Adobe Lightroom and iPhone 7

iPhone 7 Plus camera

Adobe Lightroom has long provided iOS users with the ability to edit professional-quality images directly on the iPhone. The latest update brings new features designed to take advantage of iOS 10 and even more so the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. Hot off the presses, Lightroom 2.5.2 adds RAW capture support from directly within the app.

How can I check Apple Stores for iPhone 7 availability?

iPhone 7 colors

Looking to purchase an iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus in-store? Instead of just heading down to the local Apple Store or calling the closest carrier location, current inventory can easily be checked online. In fact, Apple makes it possible to reserve an iPhone before taking the trip to a brick and mortar Apple Store for pickup. The iPhone 7 Plus has been in short supply, along with Jet Black models and the iPhone 7 with 128 GB of storage. So what's the best way to find out if the iPhone you want is in stock?


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