
Turn Off Vibration When Charging the iPhone

cydia tweak Beep Beep

Several things happen automatically when the iPhone is plugged in to charge. Besides delivering a sound and vibrating, the device will typically turn on its display. What if you want to turn these off? The jailbreak tweak Beep Beep makes this possible.

Once installed from Cydia, Beep Beep adds multiple Settings to configure how iOS responds when the Lightning cable is plugged into the device. Settings take effect immediately when toggles are switched on and off.

How to Type the Vulcan Salute Emoji in iOS 8.3

Star Trek fans now have another reason to upgrade their iOS devices to 8.3. Apple supports the Vulcan salute emoji, which means the popular symbol can be typed and viewed in iOS apps and on OS X computers. A large collection of new emoji was released with iOS 8.3, however the Vulcan salute remains an Easter egg.

iOS 8.3 emoji Vulcan salute”  title=

The Vulcan salute was developed by Leonard Nimoy during his portrayal of Spock on the original Star Trek series. As any Trekkie knows, the gesture is often accompanied by the words "Live long and prosper". The trick to enabling the Vulcan salute requires following the steps below:

How to Theme the Control Center and Notification Center

Theming the iOS home screen with the help of tools like WinterBoard is a favorite pastime of jailbreakers. The tweak Vex brings customizations specifically designed for the Notification Center and Control Center. Using these themes can dramatically change this part of iOS 8.

iOS 8 Vex themes”  title=

Vex comes with a list of included themes for each section. For example, Notification Center comes with Classic, Default, Modern or Wood themes. When it comes to the Control Center, there are 10 options, including throwback Classic and iOS 7 options. Themes are previewed right in the Settings under Vex -> Configuration.

How to Hide Keystrokes on the iPhone

The iPhone typically registers a keystroke by providing a sound effect and popping up the key pressed. This zooming animation confirms the right key was entered, by providing a visual cue. While the keyboard clicks can be silenced under Settings -> Sounds, turning off the animations requires a jailbreak tweak.


NoKeyPop brings this functionality to the iPhone, by removing the zoomed in key preview entirely. This means when keys are entered they do not react. For hiding keystrokes from potential spies this can be an important tool. Having keystrokes highlighted when entering a password, for example is not ideal.

Delete Multiple Apps at the Same Time

For iPhone owners looking to do some Spring Cleaning on their devices, app removal can save significant space. Low available storage can cause streaming music and video bottlenecks and slow down iOS performance. Not to mention the Camera app can't save photos and videos when a device is full. Clearing app caches can save space, but sometimes a list of unused apps must go.

iOS 8 delete app icons”  title=

The jailbreak tweak MultiDelete makes this an easier task. With MultiDelete installed, multiple apps can be deleted at the same time. Once installed, make sure the tweak is enabled. Using the toggle in settings requires a respring for changes to take effect. A handy respring shortcut is provided. The real magic happens on the home screen.


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