
How to reset a locked iPhone with no computer

iPhone is disabled

Those who have reset an iPhone in the past may remember using a computer and following a complicated series of steps to enter Recovery Mode. iOS 15.2 or later skips the computer by allowing the iPhone to reset all on its own. For anyone who's locked out of their device, a complete reset may be the only way forward. Once the device is reset your data and settings can be restored from an iCloud backup.

How to use a memory card on iPhone

SD card reader iPhone

Using a memory card or thumb drive with iPhone is more convenient than ever. iOS can easily transfer files without any additional apps or software needed. The only thing that's required is a piece of hardware to connect to the Lightning port on iPhone. If you already have an SD card reader that connects via USB, this can be used with iPhone, too.

The stock Files app on iOS reads the memory card and offers the extended storage as a drive.

How to blur the background on FaceTime calls

FaceTime Portrait mode Control Center

With the surge in remote work and video calling many have gotten used to seeing other people's rooms behind them. Sometimes a fake digital background can be fun, but for other situations it may not be appropriate. The easiest and fastest way to put the focus on your face is to automatically blur the background on a video call. FaceTime now has this capability on iOS 15 and later.

How to opt out of Verizon tracking on iPhone

Verizon wireless

Using an iPhone on the Verizon Wireless network? It may surprise you how much your service provider is tracking your every move while connected to its cellular towers. To provide enhanced personalization for Custom Experience and Custom Experience Plus for its customers, Verizon must collect data. Data such as your favorite apps, which websites you read, and where your iPhone is located.

How to see your Apple Music Replay

Apple Music Replay 2021

Apple Music offers a year-end summary of your top songs, artists, and albums. Spotify users may already be familiar with Spotify Wrapped, which delivers all kinds of fun facts about music listening during the year. On Apple Music the annual music review is called Replay.

See Apple Music Replay on iPhone

The Apple Music Replay is updated on Sundays throughout the year and shows the top 100 tracks you've played in a single playlist. To find your latest Replay follow these steps:


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